What people say about Project Lily

I’d like to thank Project Lily for sponsoring my husband and me to have sessions with a marriage therapist. We saw him together as well as individually and through Lily we have been able to overcome a lot of problems… If we had not had the opportunity to use the Lily facility at such an early stage I do wonder if we would still be married.``


I wanted to really take this opportunity to thank Project Lily for your kindness and generosity. As a result of your help I was able to gain so much support after everything that happened. Your help gives hope to all those that need it.``


In a world of cold long waiting lists it’s amazing to be able to offer troubled young people a fast track opportunity to the care they need. Lily is making a meaningful and essential contribution and we at JLE are proud to be associated with such a unique organisation.``

Rabbi Danny Kirsch
Jewish Learning Exchange

Tel: 020 3627 2422
Trustees: David Coffer & Rabbi Danny Kirsch
Honorary Patron: Lady Elaine Sacks
Copyright LILY 2024 | Design: www.roedz.com | Reg. charity no.: 1171723


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