At times. life can be challenging for a whole range of different reasons. Often, people seem to be functioning normally on the outside, but inside they’re falling apart. Project Lily exists to ensure that someone is there to give the rapid and effective support needed to stop things escalating.

Jewish adults can be affected by a huge range of emotional health and stress-related issues. These may include relationship problems, career difficulties, anxiety, illness, disability, bereavement, depression, eating disorders and even thoughts of suicide.


Early interventions can deliver maximum positive impact. By making sure that someone is there for people when they begin to ‘stumble’, Project Lily can prevent a much more serious ‘fall’.

Our focus is on addressing the many mild to moderate situations that left unchecked can become much more serious. Although our focus is not centred on acute, recurring or chronic conditions, we do of course provide such cases with the very best referral and advice.

Tel: 020 3627 2422
Trustees: Rabbi Danny Kirsch, Dr Lisa Kagan & Mr Eli Seliger
Honorary Patron: Lady Elaine Sacks
Copyright LILY 2024 | Design: | Reg. charity no.: 1171723


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